Our school life


    Have a look at some of the basic information about our nursery school. You can also find out all about the school program and what goes on during a normal day in Dráček Nursery School.


Morning exercise with the children is aimed at developing children’s psychomotoric skills and abilities. They repeat and learn new exercise rhymes, play movement-based games, compete with various different aids (hoops buckets, parachutes, balloons, etc.) Through exercise they not only learn to push themselves to their personal limits, but also to cooperate with their friends and with the teacher. Rhymes (Leze žába, Brum Brum Brum, Sedí Turek, Brambora, and more). Our gym now has a vaulting horse, a trampoline and a big tunnel. In the last week of May we are preparing a small version of the Olympic Games to mark International Children’s Day.


Every day the morning program includes acquired games (The Stork Has Lost His Hat, Everything Flies, etc.) as well as more relaxing games such as pexeso – to develop and train memory skills, or dominoes, threading beads, sewing - to develop fine motor skills. In the morning the children also play games to develop cooperation, trust and friendship amongst the children (playing shop, marketplace, playing hospital, house-builders, fire-fighters, etc.)

Developing mind skills

The morning program also includes educational blocks where games are used to teach the children the names of the colours, to learn about their bodies, to learn the names of things, animals, jobs, to learn to count, playing logic games, where the children learn to put things and related activities, objects and people into context. The children do jigsaw puzzles, learn to remember simple information such as how old they are, what each other’s names are, the name of the city they live in, its sights and places of interest, etc. The children learn to recognise and name opposites, the names of the days and months in the year, the seasons, and everything is combined so that the information makes sense to the children and is a part of their day-to-day lives.

Speech therapy

Exercises aimed at mastering the pronunciation of difficult letters every day.


Painting caterpillars and snakes, palm-printing on paper with finger paints, making frogs and sticking animals together using coloured paper. Spring meadow (the children draw with pastels and paint pictures), learning the names of the colours and working together on a group topic, sticking and creating pictures on the following topics: Arrival of the stork, Modelling using plasticine, cutting and tearing coloured paper – collage.


Listening, reading and poems. Book before bedtime: O včelce Máje (The May Bee)
Songs: Holka modrooká (The Blue-eyed Girl), Tluče bubeníček (Beating the Drum), Pásla ovečky (Grazing Sheep), Sedí zajíc v jamce (The Hare in the Hole), Jedna, dvě, tři čtyři, pět (One, Two, Three, Four, Five)

Fairy tales and stories in several languages
